Availability: Unavailable
For the industrial market, the MPX-90 is among the industry's lowest cost marking solutions. With three times the force of the previous MPX model, the MPX-90 precisely imprints text, graphics and other data on hard surfaces including non-plated and unpolished materials. Variable data printing capabilities enable users to automatically apply unique identification numbers to each item in a series.
The MPX-90 is also ideal for retailers and other businesses specializing in personalization. In addition to flat items like pendants, dog tags, key chains and Zippo lighters, the MPX-90 takes personalization to the next level by customizing curved objects like pens, cuff links and money clips. Quiet and compact, the MPX-90 imprints text, graphics and photographic images without leaving any residue behind, making it ideal for retail environments.
The MPX-90 features automatic surface detection, a center vise, USB connectivity and a user-replaceable print head cartridge. MetazaStudio, SFEdit2, MPX-90 Head Manager, Dr. Engrave software and a Windows® driver are included. The MPX-90 is compatible with popular design programs including Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW and Photoshop.
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